A People Pioneer

ED&I Consultant


Coach and Trainer




About Jodie

Founder and Managing Partner, Thrive Law

Jodie Hill is a neurodivergent solicitor, speaker, ED&I consultant, coach and trainer, author, and campaigner. She is passionate about people, creating psychologically safe workplaces, and enabling everyone to be their best and truest selves.

Feedback from happy customers

Flora Shaw
HR Advisor
Addleshaw Goddard

Jodie is very honest and candid about her experiences of mental health and discrimination, making her an extremely engaging speaker.

Her journey so far is inspiring and she provides many useful tips on how to navigate self-care and to prioritise your wellbeing. Her session gained fantastic feedback from our colleagues, showing how impactful the content was.

Thank you, Jodie, for a really insightful and motivating session.

Max Winthrop
Sintons LLP
[A Practical Guide to Valuing Employment Discrimination Claims is] excellent and innovative.

Laura Bowden

Brilliant live webinar with Jodie Hill today on Employment Risks, organised through the Law Society. Loved the case law deep dive and the practical guidance on worker/employee/self-employed status. Would recommend as a refresher for any In-House Counsel or People Team.

Jodie shares her stories to help you develop progressive leaders and harnesses the power of people within organisations.