A People Pioneer

ED&I Consultant


Coach and Trainer




About Jodie

Founder and Managing Partner, Thrive Law

Jodie Hill is a neurodivergent solicitor, speaker, ED&I consultant, coach and trainer, author, and campaigner. She is passionate about people, creating psychologically safe workplaces, and enabling everyone to be their best and truest selves.

Feedback from happy customers

Max Winthrop
Sintons LLP
[A Practical Guide to Valuing Employment Discrimination Claims is] excellent and innovative.

Ashmina Vekaria
Senior Associate Solicitor
Thrive Law
[A Practical Guide to Valuing Employment Discrimination Claims] has been SUPER helpful, especially the way the discrimination cases have been separated by protected characteristics and you can see how they fall under the different Vento Bands. The case summaries help to understand the basis for the Tribunal’s decisions, and I love the tips. I will definitely be referring to the book a lot more to assist in valuing discrimination cases.

Molly Evans
Senior Human Resources Advisor
Herbert Smith Freehills

Jodie recently conducted a lunch & learn session on ADD and ADHD at Herbert Smith Freehills. The session was extremely informative and provided practical and helpful guidance on how to support colleagues with ADHD & ADD. Jodie was extremely engaging and knowledgeable and we received lots of great feedback on the session from employees.

Jodie shares her stories to help you develop progressive leaders and harnesses the power of people within organisations.